You just received the email to schedule an interview for your dream position. Now what?


Do you schedule the time and then rest on your credentials until the big day? 


No way! Not if you listen to this podcast!


I have seen incredible candidates come across my desk looking to be part of my team that were utterly amazing on paper but lacked presence during the interview. I've also had someone I noted was lacking a few of the qualifications blow me away with their presence when we met, making me want to have them as a part of my team long-term. 


So, how can you get hiring managers to say WOW after your zoom or coffee chat meeting?


On this episode of Career Confessions, I'll walk you through some tips and tricks for using your body language and voice to command the interview room.

Listen in to learn how to master your executive‌ presence so hiring managers will lean in to hear what you have to say. Plus, I offer you a 20-minute challenge that will help you show up two levels higher—which might make all the difference in getting the job or not in this competitive market.  


You have one shot to stand out, so listen in to learn how to prepare for your next big interview. Because everything you want in life is there for you to grab, but you must prepare yourself to exude and radiate the confidence that says YOU are the one the hiring manager is looking for.

Key Takeaways  

Why being good on paper is only 20% of the battle

How to demonstrate your true level of interest in the position and the company

Why is body language so important during an interview

How making minor tweaks in your presence will help you skyrocket to your next position

How this 20-minute challenge can help you show up two levels higher

How to project confidence even if you are shy

How to avoid looking like an amateur on ZOOM

Why your executive presence is just as important as your qualifications 

How to stand out and stay top of mind after the interview is over


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Position Yourself as a Leader with Andrea Martin on the Flipping the Barrel podcast