The idea that you must have a linear plan for your career path is a disservice to your potential and a way to overwhelm yourself very quickly.

Many of us traveled through higher education believing that there was one dream job out there for us and that our career trajectory would follow a predictable path—but often, that's not the case. 

One of the questions I get quite often is which career path someone should pursue. It can be challenging to know what you want for the rest of your life in your early 20s. As life shapes us, our priorities change—rerouting and rewriting are a part of life. 

My own career trajectory has changed—more than once. The same might be true for you, too. You can reinvent yourself as many times as you want because as we grow, we dream bigger.

So, if you're currently thinking I'm not sure if I'm on the right career path, I think I need to reinvent my career, or I can't even think about any of it right now—that's okay. 

On this episode of Career Confessions, I explain why it's okay to throw your 10-year career plan out based on your current life goals and start over. I'll share how spending time trying different roles is the secret sauce to helping you determine which direction you want to go all in.

I offer advice for those times when you need to put your career on cruise control for a while and give yourself some breathing room while you focus on your needs for the current moment. 

Listen in to discover how to step out of the overwhelm around which is the right path so you can focus on asking yourself the right questions to determine your next career move. 

Coming in June, I will be starting a new once-a-month coaching style Q&A on the podcast where I will answer my listeners questions. So, if you have a burning question, DM me. I'd love to help you with the feedback you need to move forward and take the next steps.


Key Takeaways  

The most important questions to ask yourself when you are trying to determine your career path

Why a 10-year plan isn't realistic when you are just starting out

What experiences can influence changes in your career trajectory

What to focus on when making a list of career options to explore

How to determine which career will bring YOU the most satisfaction 

How to let go of the anxiety around coasting in your career when your life calls for it 

Why trying out different career options can be beneficial in determining what really works for you

Why our career options often grow down the same path as we do 

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