How do you deal with misunderstandings?

Do you find yourself wishing you would have said something or worse, wishing you had said something else?

Do you shut down, zone out, and reach for the ice cream instead of moving through it and forward?

Sometimes a conversation makes us feel like our judgment is being questioned. Or maybe we’re having a discussion where we feel like we’re not being listened to, heard, or (my biggest pet peeve), feeling like we’re being dismissed.

We all have those triggers when we’re communicating with others that just seem to get under our skin and hang on long after we’ve said goodbye.

Sometimes, we try and brush the situation under the rug, thinking it’s best to just move on. But that technique for dealing with conflict can leave you feeling exhausted, reaching for the remote to watch something or mindlessly scrolling to zone out and put off work.

Conflict is a natural part of human relationships, but unresolved conflict can damage our relationships, leave us feeling powerless, and can even stunt our growth. 

So, what can you do to deal with conflict in a healthy, empowered way?

Today on Career Confessions, I’ll walk you through the process I use for addressing conflict that allows me to understand both myself and the other person better, leaving us both feeling more empowered.

Listen to this episode to learn how to deal with conflict in a way that will help you show up better, and maybe even move you closer to becoming the person you want to be, in business and in life.

After you listen, don't forget to tag me to share your takeaways.

Key Takeaways  

The first thing you should do when you find yourself in conflict

How to keep from jumping to conclusions that will only make the situation worse

Why putting our ego aside is the hardest thing to do

How gaining clarity can help you lead from a place of power and move forward

How being transparent in conflict can lead to stronger relationships
How determining your personal pet peeves can prepare you for handling future conflicts

The number one way to navigate conflict in a way that will leave you better not bitter

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