Managing a high-powered career while raising a family and maintaining a happy, healthy marriage can be difficult. Usually, the end of the workday doesn’t leave much of you left for your family.

So, how can you successfully leave work at work, and switch gears so you can be present for your family?

Richard Burke is a Certified Professional Coach, Experienced business consultant, Educator/Professor, and Digital Marketing Expert. He’s spent his career in leadership roles, including 10 years as President of a $25 million eCommerce company and five years as Vice President of eCommerce at a Fortune 500 Company. He’s also been married for almost 40 years and successfully raised three children.

So how did he do it all, and do it all well?

On this episode of Career Confessions, Richard sits down with me to explain how he successfully put his wife and family first while navigating a highly influential career. He shares the 2 keywords you need to focus on to be successful in any relationship and 3 tips for successfully managing a high-powered career while being sure your real world doesn’t crumble around you. 


Richard discusses his family first, work second philosophy and how having only one schedule can help you give everything that’s important to you the proper priority. We discuss how he managed his decision-making process for taking the next step and grabbing the next opportunity.

Now, Richard is coaching people with transition journeys, whether that be Veterans transitioning out of military service, recent college graduates, or executives focused on growing their careers and their businesses the right way while maintaining a successful personal life.

Listen in for insight on ways you can look at things through a different lens by following Richard’s advice for a successful work-life journey so you can feel reach your full career potential while living life on the terms you want. 


Key Takeaways  


Richard shares his family first, work second philosophy

How to be present and listen for a successful relationship

How you can be effective at work by being effective at home

Richard shares the date night tradition that led to a happy marriage, and a high-powered career 

How combining your professional and personal schedule helps you give everything the proper priority

How successful leaders raise their team up by getting out of the way

The key to taking in as much knowledge as you can through observing the leaders you work for

How Richard’s love for sharing knowledge led him to his coaching journey

Connect with Richard

Richard on LinkedIn 


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