THIS IS A CALL-IN SHOW! COVID-19 has sent everyone scrambling. YOU don't get to have a nice little retreat in your home watching Netflix and trying not to binge eat all your snacks on one day. YOU are a healthcare professional. YOU have to go to work, expose yourself to the virus, and try to save people's lives, MacGyver style. Who needs an N95 mask when you have duct tape? You're out there trying to keep everyone else calm, but who's going to keep you from having a total meltdown? We will. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU. How are you doing? What do you need? We will listen, validate your feelings, help you find your center, and generally survive this thing without an epic meltdown. We cannot solve all your problems, but we are here to remind you that you're not in this alone. If you need to talk through any of the challenges you are facing, this is the place. WE ARE YOUR OFFICIAL CORONAGEDDON SURVIVAL ADVOCATES. //  WOULD YOU LIKE TO EMAIL US A QUESTION INSTEAD? Go to and fill out our podcast question form. // NEED SOME ONE-ON-ONE SUPPORT? Check out our sanity-preserving services at