In this bonus episode, we will get a sneak peek into the power of being a guest on another podcast. Guesting on podcasts opens the door to new audiences and a new market of eager listeners. Corinna Bellizzi joins business bestie Julie Lokun on her podcast, Obsessed. They talk curiosity, being a mom and ending conflict by asking questions.

From the #obsessedpodcast:

There is nothing worse than a know-it-all, (you know the kind of person that thinks they are correct all of the time).In today's episode, we ask the question: How can I lead my best life by using the power of curiosity? Curiosity is the lynchpin in building creating great leaders, avoiding conflict, and changing the neuroplasticity of our brains. We are joined by the Obsessed bestie, Corinna Bellizzi, who explains how curiosity can solve most of the world's problems.

The #obsessedpodcast is OBSESSED with Brene Brown and her latest book "Atlas of The Heart". Brene defines curiosity as:

Curiosity is the feeling of deprivation we experience when we identify and focus on a gap in our knowledge. •

We need to have some level of awareness and interest in a topic before we become truly curious. •

When we are curious, the brain is primed to learn and retain information.

• Curiosity can be uncomfortable because it requires uncertainty and vulnerability.

• Curiosity is about listening and asking the right questions.

• “Tell me more” is a great curiosity rumble tool.

• In the context of solving problems, failure to be curious results in poor solutions. Curiosity means focusing on the nature of the problem before even considering a solution.

• Curiosity and knowledge-building grow together—the more we know, the more we want to know.

Learn more about the Obsessed Bestie Corinna Bellizzi and all the good she is doing in the world:

Corinna Bellizzi, MBA is a natural products industry executive who pioneered the growth of the omega-3 giant, Nordic Naturals, from less than $1 million in annual revenues to over $100 million. As a mom of two young boys, podcaster, and executive, her mission is to leave the world a little better than she found it while inspiring others to do the same. Corinna began her broadcasting journey as a guest on many nationally syndicated radio shows and even acted as an MC for fashion shows in her spare time to improve her public speaking skills. As part of her lifelong education journey, she earned her MBA from Santa Clara University in 2021, graduating at the top of her class with a triple focus in Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Marketing. Corinna launched her first podcast show, Care More Be Better, to share the stories of inspired individuals and conscious companies to show us all that one person with one idea can have a big impact. It now ranks in the top 2.5% of all podcasts globally.*  

Get Obsessed with us. Collectively we are a nutritionist, a master certified life coach, an attorney, and a self-esteem expert. We dive into topics that uncover the essence of the human experience. Our stories are one of kicking fear in the face and taking a leap of faith.

We are equally obsessed with the works of Brene Brown and are inspired to study and understand the 30 core emotions. Each week we will explore another emotion, talk to experts in their field and inspire you to live the life you are meant to be living.

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