A huge barrier for many people engaging with sustainability and social impact issues is the expectation of perfection. Corinna Bellizzi welcomes Clover Hogan, a climate activist and the Executive Director at Force of Nature. Clover talks about how you need to give yourself a license to be human. Sharing your inconsistencies and mistakes opens doors for other people to engage. What matters most is your mindset. For many decades, we'd had the technology, resources, and ingenuity to solve the ecological climate crisis. But without the proper mindset to fuel action, change won’t happen. If you want to be a force of nature to reckoned with in your climate activism, this episode’s for you.

About Clover Hogan

Clover Hogan is a climate activist, researcher on eco-anxiety, and the founding Executive Director of Force of Nature – a youth non-profit mobilising mindsets for climate action. She has worked alongside the world’s leading authorities on sustainability, consulted within the boardrooms of Fortune 500 companies, and supported students in 50+ countries to shift from climate anxiety to agency.

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Show Notes (Final Audio):

00:02:53: Intergenerational Movement For Climate Activism

00:11:53: Give Yourself License To Be Human

00:13:30: Feeling Of Powerlessness

00:16:23: COP21

00:20:06: Consumption Crisis

00:25:40: Eco Anxiety

00:35:55: Environmentalism Is Everyone’s Issue

00:37:15: Understand Where People Are Coming From

00:44:45: The Individual In The Collective Action

00:48:08: Incredible Edible

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