This episode of the Care Home PR And Marketing Podcast features Dion Meechan, operations director of Barrowhill Hall nursing home in Staffordshire.

With a property development background he discusses how his company launched a nursing home from scratch eight years ago and after some pitfalls now feels offers “some of the best care you can get.”

During the episode Dion discusses:

The nerve-wracking pitfalls he experienced on launching a new nursing home – and what he has learnt. How Barrowhill Hall pioneered social media to promote the home, as well as other PR and marketing initiatives. Why some care operators “just don't get” the vital role of PR and digital media to promote the home to local audiences and stakeholders. The importance of keeping up to date with care innovations Why the location of a care or nursing home is key Why staff recruitment problems are only going to get worse – and how to mitigate against them. How to create a successful care home team culture, including an employee of the month scheme – and aspiring to create a working environment which is “better than a barbecue at the beach” Why if a care home is as nice as a resident’s home then the decision to become a resident is easier – “It's an upgrade, not a downgrade,” says Dion. What KPIs operators must focus on Why it’s important to understand social care funding “like your life depends on it” How a “slush fund”can mitigate for when a residents care is not paid for – perhaps for up to 12 months or more. Why operators should use Twitter to learn about residential care provision from across the world - including America, Brazil, Japan, India, China and Sweden.