This episode, featuring Paul Ridout of Ridouts Professional Services, which provides legal services exclusively to companies providing care and social care services, features:

Why the CQC inspection report is a critical part of the profile and marketing image of a care provider. Why, if you want to challenge a CQC report, you must act fast – within 10 working days from getting the draft report Why every statement in the CQC report that you disagree with must be challenged. Don’t concentrate on what you’re going to do in the future – state where the report is wrong, and why Attach evidence for factual statements you make Be as detailed as possible. Paul has written factual accuracy responses running up to 100 pages What tone you should have when challenging a CQC report –this is a legal type submission because it may well become part of evidence in a tribunal case or a high court case judicial review. So the tone should be concise and courteous. Never, ever be abusive What happens after you submit your factual statement to the CQC and the CQC review your statements On what circumstances can – and should you - seek a judicial review. Yes, CQC decisions have been overturned this way. But a CQC report must be “seriously misleading” for this to happen. Examples of when CQC inspectors have “clearly gone wrong”. And why CQC inspectors “sometimes don't always see the full picture” or “have had a bad day” or are inexperienced. When providers should NOT take further action against the CQC.