On this episode we discuss the latest Null Sec developments, changes inbound for the Tactical destroyers, and much more! Turbo Praying to the sun god for no more rain i want to ride my motorcycle!!! Missioning and getting back into the exploration groove. I need more isk for my more expensive habits. Kuda I put […]

On this episode we discuss the latest Null Sec developments, changes inbound for the Tactical destroyers, and much more!


Praying to the sun god for no more rain i want to ride my motorcycle!!!
Missioning and getting back into the exploration groove. I need more isk for my more expensive habits.


I put an industry job into the oven. First time since “the incident”
Snow, snow, snow… I’ll send some precip your way, Turbo. http://i.imgur.com/t3xNK9J.jpg

Played a little EVE this afternoon, managed to get an interceptor & clone out to Fountain.
Packing for Moab this evening! So I won’t be here next week… the desert calls.


finally played this weekend… almost THREE hours ! So I visited our new home and talked with the locals: nice guys and a much nicer place
now I have to move my market there, which will take the time it will take, more or less


Jumping, lots and lots of jumping for Corp Logistics
Also taking some time off from Eve, relaxing after lots of jumping
Moved a few ships to NPC Fountain


Alliance Logo Submissions Re-opened

Team Security has posted their recap from Fanfest

Confessor and Svipul Balance tweaks

Ore/Mineral Anomaly Revamp

To expect: Jaspet +31%, Hemorphite +28%, Hegbergite +28%, Gneiss -3%, Dark Ochre +14%, Crokite +1%, Spodumain +37%, Bistot +45%, Arkanor +33%, Mercoxit +2% (quick and dirty calculations)

Skins will transfer with the character


Caldari Navy Hands impounded Serpentis Vessel To Propel Dynamics

Also see Hydrostatic Podcast’s Lore panel

Update on Drifters – Tyrannos’ Superweapon can now reach out to 400km, countering early tactics that relied on sniping The Drifters

Null Sec news:

DARKNESS., Nulli, and NC. are pulling out of Delve, following the loss/outcomes of the Fountain/Delve war between N3 and CFC.

NC. deploying to Hasateem in the Derelik region (low-sec)
NA., NC.’s rental alliance has been losing sov in Esoteria

Black Legion reset N3
In Hero Coalition SOTC and News

Agony Unleashed and Hispanic Enterprises left
Heading to NPC Fountain with plans to peacefully transfer the sov from the previously CFC owners, include -FA-, Lawn, and Exe or should we say The Imperium???

CFC is becoming The Imperium, they are slimming down and removing some old allies
The Imperium is also closing their rental alliance “Greater Western Co-Prosperity Sphere [PBLRD]” https://eveskunk.com/e/349321005 to make room for other alliances moving closer to the north west.
Fatal Ascension -FA- Alliance are closing up
Executive Outcomes .EXE moving from Cloud Ring to Branch
Legion of xXDEATHXx losing Sov in Geminate region.
PL. has taken a system in Esoteria after deploying there on a contract from formerly CFC, now Imperium leader The Mittani to attack N3 member Nulli Secunda in the Esoteria region http://evemaps.dotlan.net/system/C9N-CC (very close to Feythabolis)


Eve Meetup, from EveMeet.net

San Diego – April 21st
Dallas – Fort Worth, April 25th
Pasadena, April 25th


The kill of the week is an interesting killmail we have found through our countless hours of reading through the killmails this past week. It could be the most expensive fit loss, the most hilarious fit loss, or something we found amusing.

https://zkillboard.com/kill/46058586/ (28b Vindicator… Cap Stable approved with 6b in cap rechargers)

https://zkillboard.com/kill/45967399/ (20b Tengu… in HighSec)

https://zkillboard.com/kill/45948339/ (13.5b capsule… high grade slave autopiloting a shuttle in highsec)

Want to get your friend’s hilarious kills mails on the podcast? Email them to [email protected]


Bhock – Shoutout to Sigmaknight, from Fatal Ascension that welcomed me into Fountain; yes, we’ll take good care of your home… just check Catch <eyes the dark closet>

Stu –  First off, June Ting for taking up the reigns of  of the HERO coalition following the Brave Coup #13?  Shout out to the dude who gave me the ship in NPC Fountain!

Kuda – Frodo! Thanks to Frodo for keeping the lights on while I’ve been doing work and vacation things!

Turbo – The fun guys trying to camp all the undocks in NPC null you’re bad…

Contact info

Email: [email protected]
Twitter  @capstable, @Lanctharus,@aiehoots@kudatimberline

@TurboAddiction @BhockCollective, @_StupidGenius
Website: capstable.net

We welcome your feedback.  If you have topics, segments, comments, ideas, or anything you’d like us to talk about, let us know.  Any feedback is appreciated.


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