On this episode of the CapStable podcast, talk about the Brave Drama Llama(s), The new Scope Video, and the Damage Control module’s icon is getting revamp! Podcast Editor’s Corrections Approximately 20 minutes and 30 seconds into the recording, Lanctharus mentioned the origins of Jabberlon5 are “kind of murky.” Jabberlon5’s creation is credited to Vile Rat of […]

On this episode of the CapStable podcast, talk about the Brave Drama Llama(s), The new Scope Video, and the Damage Control module’s icon is getting revamp!

Podcast Editor’s Corrections

Approximately 20 minutes and 30 seconds into the recording, Lanctharus mentioned the origins of Jabberlon5 are “kind of murky.” Jabberlon5’s creation is credited to Vile Rat of Goonswarm.
Approximately 21 minutes into the recording, Lanctharus calls Karmafleet an alliance. Karmafleet is a corporation in Goonswarm Federation.
4-14-2015 – The original version of this story included a line about Pandemic Horde that miss-characterized the experience new player would have in Pandemic Horde.


It was a very very long week trying to keep up with the ever changing situations within BRAVE and trying to analyze and make sense of the situation


I was out for a week, and now I’m back (with even less sleep)… I just ended a 2 years strike of logging every single day… now I’m a casual, kinda, perhaps… yeah
I am happy I had evac’d fully before that
Just created a mini crash on the Amarr market, selling part of my overstock (and getting several angry remarks). Lockefox made a study on this impact, and we’ll see how long the market will take to get back to normal prices. Don’t worry, I still have 10+ JF of goods heading for the Brave market, and the factories are running at full speed again

Kuda Timberline

Where do I start…??
We have grown!


Shipping, lots and lots of shipping


New Scope video about the War in Fountain and HERO leaving Catch


April 28: CCP continues waging its crusade against all suitcases! now new icon for Damage Control !


The Brave Coup, Lucky No. 13 with a side order of the Return of the King

Let us go back to the last time we talked, many members of HERO coalition, ourselves included, were getting tired of PL. reinforcing stations and systems(again), after returning from their way too short mercenary job. HONOR was folding into TEST, and TEST was leaving HERO coalition to go fight in Wicked Creek against Almost Awesome.

Now during all those timers and what not, a FC in PL. had reinforced GE-’s station with Brave’s own SBUs up for “shits and giggles.”

(usually this isn’t done, as the defender in this case, BRAVE, can simply offline a SBU and the station would become invulnerable again.)

Following the reinforcement of the GE- station, a general Evac of the GE- station was called for, and that everyone should move assets to HED-GP, that would be “the final stand” staging point (NOTE to future null entities… DON’T EVER PUBLICLY STATE SOME WHERE IS YOUR LAST STAND…it will sound like a challenge to those you are fighting.)

Lychton was in Iceland for Fanfest, his laptop broken, and he had limited communication.

Brave had formed a crazy defense fleet with oogles of bubbles around the GE- station on the initial timer, and HERO was able to rep the station with minimal losses. However, blood was in the water.

An announcement was made to deploy to Aridia region Sahkt, wait no, that other place, no Defsunun place. (DeadSun)

From what we have been able to gather, Liquid without consulting anyone(or namely Lychton), had announced the evac of Catch

Now at this point, I had just finished moving my Carrier from the depths of Catch to a safe LowSec location. Stuck with 3+ days of jump fatigue on my main jump freighter pilot, I can do little more than sit and wait, centralize as best I can all my subcap stuff, and I ended up burning over to Arida to pick up a few offices for the Deployment. I am still neck deep in corp assets needing to be evac’d from Catch, I have to sit and watch Hoots learn to use a Jump Freighter (lol), eventually my jump fatigue from the carrier movement all ticks off, and I get sick, not super sick, but like get home from work and sleep for 12 hours sick. I am burning millions of Isotopes, getting lots of Jump Fatigue, trying to get all our corp assets out of Catch, thankfully, with the help of Hoots and Bhock and lots of help from Turbo, we were able to everything out to a low sec staging point for safety.

Now with the Evac call made by Liquid, and reiterated by Malanek and AnnA had caused a cascading effect of people scrambling to get their stuff out of Catch, HED-GP timers was.

Behind the scenes it seems Lychton had made a deal with PL. that PL. wouldn’t take anything that HERO formed up with (Elise Randolph surprised Brave is Deploying to Aridia)

This all came to a head following last Sunday’s CNM meeting.

Some people brought up the issues and didn’t get satisfactory answers from Lychton.

It put in motion a chain of events that set both r/Eve and r/BraveNewbies sub-Reddits ablaze.

From what we can tell AnnA and Malanek, with some help from Liquid, reached out to many of the sister corp CEOs to get vote of no confidence and switch Brave Collective’s Executor corp from a corp owned by Lychton, to a one owned by AnnA named “Nerd Panic”.

This succeed on 2015-04-06 at 04:45. Eventually, Liquid gained CEO ship of that corp, and Malanek was named interim/Alliance CEO.

Initially, Lychton came out and said he would not stand in the way of the change, but he wanted to hold on to his shares and power inside BNI until he was sure he could trust Malanek.

At this point, shit was really hitting the fan, people were posting (mostly under non-character identified reddit usernames, indicating they wanted to remain anonymous) on r/Eve and r/BraveNewbies about all of this Drama. Lots of anger and distrust, and I think it should be noted that some of this was most likely done by Brave’s enemies to fuel the fire of discontent.

Lychton tells everyone to calm their shit, and that he will be giving Malanek control of Brave Alliance and HERO Coalition, following a command ceremony this weekend.

Everything was becoming quiet, reddit was calming down, and it seemed that Malanek would become the leader of Brave Collective, and Lychton still CEO of BNI, the biggest part of the alliance.

Then Lychton pre-pinged and posted a thread on /r/BraveNewbies “The Coup is Over. Newbies Triumph” and he hosted a State of the Coalition/Alliance at 20:00 on 11-04-2015.

During this he announced he had:

Re-gained control of the Brave Collective  ,
Booted Nerd Panic and AnnA from the Alliance
Was meeting with Leadership and all Sister Corp CEO to hear grievances
and Finally, that June Ting, CEO of Of Sound Mind would be acting leader of HERO Coalition for the next 2 weeks while BRAVE Collective addresses their internal differences and issues.
“If you come at the King, you best not miss”

tl;dr – (as of April 8th via Dunk Dinkle) In my honest opinion, the timer cascade of GE-8JV/HED-GP, Fanfest, a deployment announcement, and an utter failure of communication led to the current debacle.

Additional information:




Analysis of went right, wrong and DOINK!: Foreign agitation & Meta-spinning


When asked for an official statement regarding the recent event, Sion Kumitomo, Chief of Staff and head diplomat of the CFC stated to Cap Stable “The CFC will not be dealing with BRAVE.”
Sion states that BRAVE has violated agreements made with the CFC.  BRAVE states that they were hired by Sort Dragon so such an agreement is now null and void.

Sion is adamant that this is a ruse

Isolate BRAVE & Punish non conforming entities.

Evidently the CFC is trying to diplomatically isolate the BRAVE Collective and has evidently began penalizing members of Jabberlon 5 for hiring BRAVE as a mercenary group to attack the CFC.
Initial reports are that Sort Dragon, leader of Darkness, has been ejected for hiring BRAVE

Markonius Porkbutte, Alliance leader of the CFC affiliated KarmaFleet offered safe haven to all disaffected BRAVE members.

Pandemic Legion

Upon hearing of the coup PL immediately began an agitation and misinformation attack on BRAVE’s subreddit

PL’s Elise Randolph seemed to be the one spearheading the effort.

Almost immediately PL opened the Pandemic Horde

An affiliated new player friendly alliance in the style of BRAVE and which actively attempted to woo disgruntled BRAVE players by offering them a secure and well organized place to play.
Unlike BRAVE’s “Stay Classy” motto, PH seems to be culturally more aligned with PL more harsh and controversial treatment of newer players.


TEST also jumped into the fray and started to actively recruit angry BRAVE alliance members
In an interesting turn of events, TEST set any and all of the suspected coup leaders as KOS


Also in a radical departure of their very vocal misgivings about Lychton Kondur, TEST publicly reversed their opinion of him and attempted to support the ousted alliance leader.
Bhock – Test Dummies are very expensive, now that I emptied the cheap ones from Jita market… we’ll try to carry one in cargo for each ops, with the Exotic Dancers, the Spirits and the Janitor (they are always handy)

What did the insurgent team do wrong?

They (intentionally) left the door used to gain control wide open (as a sign of good faith to keep BNI in the alliance).
Failed to consolidate power
Failed to engage managerial parties and individual corp CEOs who were not part of the coup in order to bring them up to speed.
Allowed the outrage in Reddit to create a situation where “the tail was wagging the dog”

So what does this mean for BRAVE going forward?  Can they pull it together?

Leadership has a lot of fences to mend politically and diplomatically both in and outside itself.
The need to radically restructure and implement effective leadership and communication avenues.
What will the role be for the Council of Newbie Management (CNM) be now?
How to keep individual managers and department heads accountable?
How will BRAVE be able to keep such an unwieldy power structure into line?
The need for oversight and accountability
How does BRAVE plan to fend of what will undoubtedly be an escalation of attacks both physically and rhetoric from the CFC, PL and TEST all in the run up to Fozzie SOV.

BRAVE responses and testimonials



Dunk Dinkle – “…I heard from Lychton, and what he asked me was this, “I need to know that you are committed to the original idea of Brave. What we stand for, and who we individually swear to protect: Our newbies.” I told him I was.
TiberiusStarGazer, optimistic watching the new staging growth

Bhock- Classic game of Kremlin, Junta or Quo Vadis… after a reshuffle, everything is back to normal, with a few extra corpses in closets


Shoutout to The Neocom podcast organising a Community Award, where you can vote for Capstable CSM Election coverage (!)

Bhock – I want to correct them: the real workhorse for that coverage was Stu !


The kill of the week is an interesting killmail we have found through our countless hours of reading through the killmails this past week. It could be the most expensive fit loss, the most hilarious fit loss, or something we found amusing.

Kuda Timberline BPO Loss


Want to get your friend’s hilarious kills mails on the podcast? Email them to [email protected]


Itunes 5 star reviewers:


Great work guys! You guys have done amazing work here with a log of content in each podcast. Everyone participating acts in a very mature manner and is fairly well spoken. Keep up the good work, and I’ll keep listening


Cap Stable is one of the podcasts that inspired me to become a podcaster myself. Suffice it to say that with Cap Stable and High Drag, The Neocom would not Exist. LONG LIVE CAP STABLE!!!


Shout to all of our Patreons, your support has helped in more ways than I can say!

Tora Bushido
Raspberry Jam
Nick Yannos
Val Arkadi
Gabriel Cassata
Brian J. Murphy

If you would like to support the show consider becoming one of our patrons on Patreon.com or just give a 5-star review on iTunes!

Bhock – I want to congratulate Campino, our AIEU Recon Director, that got promoted to Acting HERO Recon Director… may he use wisely the thousands of probes and bombers in stock

Kuda: AIEU Industry Team!

Lanc: Sion of the CFC for the official statement

Contact info

Email: [email protected]
Twitter  @capstable, @Lanctharus,@aiehoots@kudatimberline

@TurboAddiction @BhockCollective, @_StupidGenius
Website: capstable.net

We welcome your feedback.  If you have topics, segments, comments, ideas, or anything you’d like us to talk about, let us know.  Any feedback is appreciated.

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