On this episode we talk about the Mosaic release, the Drifter Autopsy, and interview Lazarus Telraven. Turbo Ratting with an ishtar because its obscenely over powered for serpentis. My prayers to the sun god were answered with sunny skys and near freezing temps. Lanctharus Hurray! I’m still in charge of BRAVE’s diplo training program. Speaking […]

On this episode we talk about the Mosaic release, the Drifter Autopsy, and interview Lazarus Telraven.


Ratting with an ishtar because its obscenely over powered for serpentis.
My prayers to the sun god were answered with sunny skys and near freezing temps.


Hurray! I’m still in charge of BRAVE’s diplo training program.
Speaking of which I recently opened a Diplo training program for AIEU.
Gentlemen, Blaster Nagas.  Nuff said.


In EvE, not much as most of Brave finally reached Fountain so all sites are heavily camped and I’m going soon to have to exile myself to greener pastures, while I truck on my other screens
And I missed the Mandatory Fun Fleet as I had my Mandatory Sleep Night


Well, I got sick again, so limited play time.
Did a bit of space truckin for the corp
Went in a bomber to go defend CHA2-Q from BL. trying to take it from during sov transfers from The Imperium to HERO.



EVE Updates and the April 28th Mosaic Update (CCP Seagull)

New Assembly Effect for Anchorable Structures (CCP Nobody)


Ship Customization: Time to Show Some SKIN (CCP Terminus)

With the dev blog, all skin BPCs removed from the New Eden Store
Prices could change (CCP Fozzie [?] on Slack)
Aurum packages changes

BC warp speed changes

This will mean an 8% increase in Battlecruiser warp speed, to 2.7au/s for T1 BCs and 3au/s for Command Ships.
Change the penalty on Warp rigs into a Signature Radius increase (like the penalty on shield rigs).

Opportunities in New Eden … or how I learned to play EVE (CCP Rise)

Two-Factor Authentication… finally! (CCP Ghostrider)

Graph Porn with @CCPQuant

Population in WH, by Class
Population by Security
Including HighSec



Drifter Autopsy: And the player event that followed in Yulai that was the follow-up of Player Lore study made from the images previously available (http://community.eveonline.com/news/news-channels/world-news/breaking-news-drifter-autopsy-press-conference-interrupted-1/).

For more information and tinfoil, everyone should listen to the last lore panel from Hydrostatic Podcast.


Interview with Lazarus Telraven, FC for GSF and The Imperium, and streamer at TheMittani.com


EVE Vegas at October 23-25, 2015, – Call for speakers!


The kill of the week is an interesting killmail we have found through our countless hours of reading through the killmails this past week. It could be the most expensive fit loss, the most hilarious fit loss, or something we found amusing.

63b Obelisk, in HS (https://zkillboard.com/kill/46242566/)

12.5b lowsec Mining Vargur (https://zkillboard.com/kill/46185342/) with its 10.5b capsule (https://zkillboard.com/kill/46185348/)

Want to get your friend’s hilarious kills mails on the podcast? Email them to [email protected]


Reigar Arnolles (BNI) because he loves the show and that is enough to cheers!

Markus Vorenus thanks for the shout out in local in CHA2-Q

Contact info

Email: [email protected]
Twitter  @capstable, @Lanctharus,@aiehoots@kudatimberline

@TurboAddiction @BhockCollective, @_StupidGenius
Website: capstable.net

We welcome your feedback.  If you have topics, segments, comments, ideas, or anything you’d like us to talk about, let us know.  Any feedback is appreciated.

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