You can learn more about your hosts, Mark and Divan, at: 


0:00:28 - influencing people who don't report to me: from Bonus Episode "Mark and Divan on why interpersonal communication matters" . 


0:00:35 – I thought that was it: from Bonus Episode "Mark and Divan on why interpersonal communication matters". 


0:00:50 – rather be authentic and vulnerable: from Bonus Episode "Mark and Divan on why interpersonal communication matters". 


0:01:06 – speaking a different language: from Bonus Episode "Mark and Divan on why interpersonal communication matters". 


0:01:15 - "Communication is the most important skill for life", Stephen Covey in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People


0:01:39 – why communication is important: from Episode 14,  Dr Timothy Levine on deception: Truth-Default Theory, spotting liars and how not to be wrongfully convicted


0:02:37 – I forgave the man who murdered my mother: from Episode 10, Dr Everett Worthington on promoting forgiveness in every willing heart, home and homeland. 


0:02:45 – your weakness if your greatest strength in waiting: from Episode 11, Greg Van Borssum on Happy Feet, Mad Max and the road to fulfilment. 


0:03:13 – email is banned:  from Episode 11, Greg Van Borssum on Happy Feet, Mad Max and the road to fulfilment. 


0:03:16 – focus on your big toes: from Episode 24, Daisy Simonis on introversion and people skills (and how these relate to your big toes). 


0:03:38 – left on a doorstep: from Episode 1, Grant Herbert on the foundation of emotional intelligence, being yourself and training mini-me's. 


0:04:45 – empathy is understanding other people's mental models: from Episode 28, Daniel Murray on the business case for empathy. 


0:05:57 – touch the soul of a person by asking about something as simple as food: from Episode 8, Ricardo Gonzalez on cultural mastery, a conversation that will touch your soul.