2:52 - is it normal to smile when you see a video of someone smiling?

4:14 - mirror neurons (see video clip).

7:57 - how to be the baby whisperer.

9:03 - the hardware and software of empathy.

12:51 - empathy is not standing in someone else's shoes.

17:45 - empathy is a capacity.

20:17 - empathy is a tool. It's not good or bad.

23:08 - empathy is not getting in the hole with the person.

26:56 - how empathy impacts relationships.

31:47 - what if we're not in an empathetic state of mind?

33:13 - the hardest thing to do is to listen (see video clip).

36:31 - helping people solve their own problems.

38:25 - listening requires patience.

38:55 - helping someone learn a lesson for themselves is much more powerful than simply teaching.

42:29 - human beings are designed to be insecure.

45:55 - confidence and self-esteem.

47:06 - narcissism.

49:41 - can a narcissist be helped?

52:18 - being in a relationship with a narcissist (see video clip).

58:25 - directional empathy.

01:02:49 - how can couples navigate life changes together.

01:06:18 - Trusting your partner to have your back.

01:10:3 - how to find the right partner.

01:11:18 - the Van Gogh problem.

01:12:37 - confidence and self-esteem.

01:16:38 - how to build confidence when you are failing.

01:19:34 - connect with Ashok.


You can find more detailed show notes with links to references at: https://candourpodcast.com/dr-ashok-bhattacharya/