Our guest Liz Curran is a holistic health coach and co-founder of Health Navigators.

Alongside her partner Karla, who I interviewed for episode 25, Liz works with cancer thrivers and those seeking to heal from chronic or emotional illness. Her work is based on the 10 Healing Factors introduced in Kelly Turner’s book, Radical Remission.

In this conversation, we discuss how Liz’s loss of her sister to cancer led her to the Radical Remission Project, and how she works to create space for people to share their stories and forge their own pathway to healing.

Liz's Reading List: 

1. Radical Remission by Kelly Turner

2. Radical Hope by Kelly Turner

3. Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

4. May Cause Miracles by Gabrielle Bernstein

5. Learned Hopefulness by Dan Tomasulo

6. The Story That You Need to Tell by Sandra Marinella

7. The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown

8. Setting Boundaries Will Set You Free by Nancy Levin

9. Self-Love Workbook for Women by Megan Logan

10. The Power of Purpsoe by Richard J. Leider

11. Calling Cards by Richard J. Leider

12. Mind Ovwer Medicine (Revised Edition) by Lissa Rankin, M.D.

13. Self Compassion by Kristin Neff

14. Dying to Be Me by Anita Moorjani

15. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

16. Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown

17. Anticancer Living by Lorenzo Cohen and Alison Jefferies

18. Life Over Cancer by Dr. Keith Block

19. RX for Hope by Nick Chen and David Tabatsky 

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