Our guest Shannon Howard is a spiritual teacher, life coach, and parenting mentor. She has devoted decades of study to the fields of psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and holistic health. 

In this conversation, we discuss her mother’s cancer journey, the importance of emotional intelligence and how to become your own healer.

Shannon's upcoming book, written with Lonnie Green and entitled Integral Emotional Intelligence: Keys to Creating and Extraordinary Life, will be available from Amazon on September 1, 2022. Further resources will be available on the website highestgroundinstitute.org after August 15, 2022.

Shannon's Reading & Resource List: 

1. Joyful Evolution: A Guide for Loving Co-Creation with Your Conscious, Subconscious and Superconscious Selves by Gordon Davidson

2. The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles by Bruce Lipton

3. Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine by Candace Pert

4. 90 Seconds to a Life You Love: How to Master Your Difficult Feelings to Cultivate Lasting Confidence, Resilience, and Authenticity by Joan Rosenberg

5. A Time to Heal by Beata Bishop

6. Longevity: The Healing Technique. A powerful 30-minute guided healing meditation. https://www.lazaris.com/shop-product/lazaris-series/accelerated-journey/longevity-the-healing-technique/

7. Healing: The Nature of Health, Part I (Product #401) Audio of Lecture.  https://www.lazaris.com/shop-product/healing-and-well-being/health-and-healing/healing-the-nature-of-health-part-i/

8. Mark Hyman on episode 546 of The Doctor’s Farmacy: Making Your Body an Unwelcome Place for Cancer to Grow. https://drhyman.com/blog/2022/05/26/podcast-ep546/

9. The Gerson Therapy—Revised and Updated: The Natural Nutritional Program to Fight Cancer and Other Illnesses by Charlotte Gerson

10. Change Your Genes Change Your Life: Creating Optimal Health with the New Science of Epigenetics by Kenneth R. Pelletier

11. The Burzynski Clinic Leading Integrative Cancer Treatment Center. Short YouTube video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2g0hXEjkao

12. Knockout: Interviews with Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer and How to Prevent Getting It in the First Place by Suzanne Somers

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