Our guest is Dorothy Paredes, author of the beautifully candid memoir, 26 and Fu¢ked

If you’d like to read, it write to us at [email protected] and we’ll send you a copy!

Dorothy is also the founder of The Atrium Foundation, an organization that supports people affected by cancer so they can thrive by covering expenses that aren’t covered by insurance, including things that are outside of the realm of medical expenses.

Dorothy and her team believe that mental health and wellness is as important as physical recovery. They have supported people with everything from rent, to alternative treatments, to school supplies for their children.

Dorothy’s long term vision with the Atrium Foundation is to build partnerships between therapists and oncologists so that people have built-in access to emotional support at every step of the cancer journey. 

This conversation was extremely healing for me as the host, and I hope it will be the same for you as a listener. 

Dorothy's Reading/Resource List: 

1. Type A Guide To Cancer by Lauren Candies Tarpley

2. Cancer Support Community

3. Cancer + Careers: Free Publications

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