Martha Tettenborn is a registered dietitian, low-carb health coach, and a recent ovarian cancer survivor. She used nutritional strategies to dramatically reduce her side effects from chemotherapy and Martha is on a mission to share this information with others facing chemo.

02:35: It was like I was laying on an egg or something.  04:54: The gynecologist that I was referred to was on a month's holiday.  07:19: The marker that would have indicated cancer was really low.  10:29: I had my tonsils out when I was five. 12:43: Did you have the hysterectomy prior to chemo? 14:48: There was no tumor to radiate.  16:50: If you don't get any recurrence in about five years you were in group A.  18:58: I feel incredibly blessed that this cyst was way too big for me to ignore. 21:40: I was terrified of chemotherapy. 23:19: I discovered that cancer has a different metabolism. 25:26: What does it mean to be ketogenic? 27:34: I wanted to keep the cancer from having a happy growth environment? 30:06: I went through six rounds of chemo. 32:34: What was your worst moment? 34:10: How has this changed your practice as a dietitian now that you've lived it as a patient? 36:02: I do wardrobe and backstage. 38:05: What is one thing that you wish you had known at the very beginning?  39:08: If you could only do one thing to improve health care in Canada, what would it be and why? 40:18: Thriver Rapid Fire Questions.  42:54: Aside from Cancer U, what's one resource that you would recommend for cancer patients and caregivers? 


Martha's websiteMartha's Hacking Chemo Facebook pageMartha on LinkedInEmail MarthaMartha's book Hacking Chemo