In November 2019, Greg Ciola was diagnosed with stage 3 unresectable malignant metastatic melanoma. It spread to his brain as an egg-sized hemorrhaging stage 4 tumor that almost killed him. Going from feeling perfectly healthy to being in a battle for his life, Greg felt a spiritual call to start a support group to help people battling cancer.

02:37: I knew nothing about melanoma. 04:43: You have metastatic melanoma.06:12: How often do you have to have the infusion? 08:45: I had to do constant blood draws to see what was going on.  10:03: All the scans were clear up until October of 2020. 12:19: We see something in your brain.  14:41: It can show up anywhere.  16:40: Was your wife allowed to be with you in the beginning?  19:07: Did you only have to do the procedure one time?  22:55: If anything's off, they won't give you the immunotherapy.  25:31: Prior to cancer, you were into fitness wellness working out supplements.  27:05: Do you think this was harder for you to go through it as a patient or as a caregiver?  29:01: What has been your worst moment? 30:54: What about your best moment? 33:14: What's one thing you wish you had known at the very beginning?  33:50: If you could only do one thing to improve health care in the U.S., what would it be and why? 36:15: Thriver Rapid Fire Questions.  38:23: Aside from Cancer U, what's one resource you would recommend for cancer patients and caregivers? 


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