Stoner Cancer the planets have shifted past their bright and energetic phase of influence, and now the celestial climb has changed to freedom! This new planetary alignment will assist in freedom of movement. Progressive anchors will be lifted, and you will be free to move toward internal desires and destinations. Toke a moment with a … Continue reading Cancer Stoner Horoscope June 2019 →

Stoner Cancer the planets have shifted past their bright and energetic phase of influence, and now the celestial climb has changed to freedom! This new planetary alignment will assist in freedom of movement. Progressive anchors will be lifted, and you will be free to move toward internal desires and destinations. Toke a moment with a Sativa hybrid to consider what would bring you joy to your life. Dive deep with this meditative smoke session. Do not focus on the now, but the long term. When your destination becomes visible on the horizon, focus on the path and push ahead.

No nets of life can contain the agile, troubleshooting ways of the self motivated stoner Cancer. This period is best traversed by eager Cancers that are self motivated. After your true internal direction is attained, leave the deep meditative dives behind. While walking the path, internal contemplative soul searches will only lead to more questions, and obscure your grand vision on the horizon. Keep your smoker’s travel kit packed with airy Sativa strains of the sacred herb. Remain focused and motivated progressing toward your desired reality.

Stoner Cancer the work sphere may feel like rowing up a sand dune in a paddle boat, staring at the same palm tree in the distance wondering, “Why?” Remain steadfast and keep your third eye gaze on the prized oasis ahead, and don’t question management’s bizarre methods. Instead use these moments to check everything over in detail. Be sure to dot your I’s and cross your T’s. It should all make sense in time.

June’s terrestrial travels will require some attention to your smoke circle. This could also mean finding new canna-buddies. Don’t shy away from opportunities to find budding friendships! Understanding that we’re all in this journey together, and leaning on one another for assistance or advice in times of need, will be crucial to overcoming the obstacles of the first summer month.

A final kernel of wisdom my dear stoner Cancer: Any monetary assets gained in this span could be put to better use in future periods. It is suggested to save now for a more fruitful harvest ahead.