Stoner Cancer an unusual planetary alignment will cover the second summer month. Cosmic forces will push against your good nature. This flip flop of supported character traits might come as a blessing in disguise. The cosmic anomaly will bring newfound ambition and confidence. A more strident and authoritative stance could feel like a super power … Continue reading Cancer Stoner Horoscope July 2019 →

Stoner Cancer an unusual planetary alignment will cover the second summer month. Cosmic forces will push against your good nature. This flip flop of supported character traits might come as a blessing in disguise. The cosmic anomaly will bring newfound ambition and confidence. A more strident and authoritative stance could feel like a super power for the stoner crab.

Keep calm and smoke on stoner Cancer. Maintain a keen third eye on internal grounding. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst for adjusting your desired temperament. Balance will be key, so stock your sacred stash box with hybrid strains. Select a Sativa dominant strain for those powerful confident moods where your new super power is ready to be unleashed upon the world. Puff puff pass on the stress and anxiety with an Indica dominant hybrid when the unusual planetary alignment creates an unsorted feeling.

Be forewarned stoner Cancer: July’s cosmic turbulence is like surfing a wave. Balance and stamina is the key. If you lose focus or determination, you could risk drowning under the wave.

And get ready to ride immediately stoner Cancer. The newfound powerful tone will present itself in the workplace early in the period. Are you strong enough to wield this power? You can do it! Start off the month with your Sativa dominant hybrid. Use the Indica dominant hybrid to fall back and reassess if things don’t work out. As turbulent as this cosmic wave may feel in the moment, you have limitless options to find positive progress.

For single stoner Cancers, this dynamic period will be positive and rewarding. The versatility in your lifestyle will give you the necessary flexibility to maintain balance in a shifting environment. Be sure to stick to your own instincts and internally guided path. Do not let others lead you in July. For stoner Cancers with a partner-in-chronic, July is optimal for planning and familial gatherings. Ride the chaotic wave to positive blessings.