Previous Episode: Cancer December 2017
Next Episode: Cancer February 2018

Stoner Cancer, it can be readily said the new year brings all the promise and possibilities a fresh start can offer. This does not mean that you will not have to exert any effort at all, but rather all of your investments will be certain to produce positive results–all you have to do is try. … Continue reading Cancer January 2018 →

Stoner Cancer, it can be readily said the new year brings all the promise and possibilities a fresh start can offer. This does not mean that you will not have to exert any effort at all, but rather all of your investments will be certain to produce positive results–all you have to do is try. Overall, you will have time to do it all, so take time and be deliberate in all of your actions. You should diversify and explore the many strains and varieties of our favorite herb. Sticky sativas will provide those extra creative energies to help you to tackle tricky tasks that lie ahead. While it is advised to explore indicas to help you to relax and recharge your spirits before undertaking new projects.

While you should definitely take time to plan any future endeavors, don’t stress on getting every detail perfect. Plans are subject to change and you should be flexible so you can avoid being disappointed when not everything plays out exactly how you expected. Your efforts at work will be noticed by supervisors and higher ups. It may actually be time for you to join the ranks of management and expand your responsibilities at work. Which means you are best advised to keep the pipe at home. If you are able to keep work life and herb life separate, you are certain to get the best of both worlds. Whether you are looking to advance through the ranks at work, or if you just want to do your job the best you can, you are entering a time of great prosperity and success. Do not worry if you do not receive immediate praise for your accomplishments. Remember that you are playing the long game, Stoner Cancer, accolades and acknowledgement will come in their own time.

For Stoner Cancers in an established relationship, it will be important to pay close attention to your partner’s needs. It will be likely to encounter a few rough patches, none will be so serious as to be unsolvable. The best remedy to counter romantic troubles is to double down and be honest with our feelings. Those who may not currently have an extra special bud should expect to encounter potential suitors. Regardless of relationship status, you should pack all of your bowls for two. You never know when those closest to you may need a little pick-me-up. Your kind smile and kind bud can make a world of difference to those who might need a little help from a friend.