Previous Episode: Cancer January 2018
Next Episode: Cancer March 2018

Stoner Cancer February will prove to be a month of electricity. As you walk the terrestrial plane you will feel connected to everything in a more vibrant way. Electric Feel by MGMT is an excellent song to add to your February playlist. Even though all this sounds tantalizing as a theme for the month, it … Continue reading Cancer February 2018 →

Stoner Cancer February will prove to be a month of electricity. As you walk the terrestrial plane you will feel connected to everything in a more vibrant way. Electric Feel by MGMT is an excellent song to add to your February playlist. Even though all this sounds tantalizing as a theme for the month, it also comes with dangerous prospects. Another way to think of this cosmic alignment is by placing yourself near the sun. Hot and bright, but all your senses will be exposed.

Meditate with the sacred herb early in the month stoner Cancer. Your focus and attention must be placed squarely on preparation for the raw emotional exposure you will go through. Clear your mind. Find a mantra with control and calm at the heart. With raw emotions exposed to solar flares, your temper can explode under pressure. But hey, stoner Cancer, you are a chill terrestrial astronaut right? February will require you to embrace your stoney chill side. No matter the species or strain, the sacred herb will be your spirit guide away from the searing heat of the solar flare. Breathe, inhale, and let it be.

The workplace has an equal opportunity for dynamism. When it comes to interactions with coworkers, please keep the above words in mind with calm and control. You do not want to deal with coworkers with white hot raw emotions at the forefront. Every explosive situation can be circled back once a chill spirit has been summoned. As for a change of jobs, this is also possible in such a dynamic period. Have you consulted your inner voice? Have you medicated with the sacred herb and floated high above to see your life plan laid out? A job change in February could be an amazing pivot point in your life stoner Cancer; but only if your actions are centered from logical thought and not raw emotion.

Slow down stoner Cancer, enjoy the bright moments, but avoid the moments that are too hot to hold.