Since its inception in 1935, Leo Burnett has stood the test of time in the creative and advertising industry by continuing to serve clients with award-winning creative that drives competitive results. 

Now 87 years old, Leo Burnett has had an interesting year. In 2023, the agency secured several new business wins, including QSR giant Dunkin’, while losing other large accounts such as Wingstop. Meanwhile, it maintains long-standing clients such as Kellogg’s. 

Through it all, it has continued to produce strong creative, earning Campaign US’ Creative Breakthrough distinction in the 2023 Agency Performance Review.

Now, the agency is adapting to new leadership, as Liz Taylor joined in June as co-president and chief operating officer to lead the agency alongside co-president and chief creative officer Britt Nolan. 

In this episode, Taylor and Nolan discuss how the agency has worked to balance its legacy while chasing new innovations. They chat about what the creative process is like at Leo, how the company is weathering the current economic climate and ways it is working to attract new talent. Plus, they talk about what innovations they are excited about heading into 2024.

Listen to this episode and subscribe to Campaign Chemistry wherever you get your podcasts.


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