Suzanne Kounkel jokes that her job as Deloitte’s U.S. and global CMO is penance for all of the times she pushed her CMO clients to work faster and more agilely. 

Over her 30-year career at Deloitte, Kounkel has led various functions, such as the Consulting Technology practice, where she helped other marketers transform their tech stacks to keep up with the demands of digital. Now she’s doing the same work for her own organization, where she’s leading the team to be more integrated and adopt new technologies such as generative AI.

In this episode, Kounkel also talks about balancing creativity and craft with demand generation and other B2B necessities, how she’s navigating brand purpose in a polarized world and how marketers can partner with the rest of the business and the C-suite to achieve better outcomes.

Listen to this episode and subscribe to Campaign Chemistry wherever you get your podcasts.


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