What is expertise? And why do you want to amplify it?

According to my guest for this episode, Executive Communications and Leadership Coach (and former television producer), Laura Fravel, your expertise is your experience, knowledge and perspective delivered with personality and purpose.

Laura urges us to lean into what we enjoy doing in order to do it well and always, always think about our clients/audience:

What do they need to be inspired by?
What do they need to be educated by?
What would entertain them?

The one thing you can do today is start sharing your thought leadership on relevant platforms...that's rocket fuel to spread your expertise, and remember: Your perceived weaknesses can actually be your strengths or your differentiating factor.

Laura has helped executives from Adidas, founders from TechStars, and led trainings for Warner-Bros Discovery.  She brings 20 years of TV-media and storytelling experience (and adventurous spirit from 15 years with National Geographic) to help amplify your expertise and your voice. She is on a mission to help executives and entrepreneurs spread their brilliance like wildfire.  

Check out Laura’s post  Everyone should have a 12 year old business coach and to learn more about her work visit https://laurafravel.com/.