In this solo episode, I discuss:

* The thing I teach all my 1 on 1 clients about confidence* The most important belief you must develop in order to transform * How to get to the root of your issues with confidence in order to change it* Simple steps to boost your confidence and self-esteem

My confidence challenge is coming up at the end of Feb:

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Hello, and welcome to the Calmer You Podcast. This is your host, Chloe Brotheridge. I'm a coach and a hypnotherapist and the author of two books, The Anxiety Solution, and Brave New Girl, which is all about how to grow your confidence. So, today I'm going to be sharing with you a number of steps that I think if you follow them, will help you to be calm and your most confident self, to tap into the innate courage that is within you, and start to feel better about doing the things that you want to do, being you in the world, and going outside of your comfort zone.

Journey to becomming a more confident person

And so this is really an area that I'm passionate about talking about having to struggle with my own issues around confidence and self-esteem for so so long and going on a journey to become a more confident person. And I'm not saying that it's the case that we will just one day emerge like a butterfly out of the chrysalis a new person. But the reality is that it's a journey. It's a process. And little by little, we can start to make changes and we can grow. And we can discover more about what's possible for us and expand what is possible for us. So, I'm going to share with you eight steps for becoming your most confident self.

Believe that you can change

number one is to believe that you can change. And I can't tell you how
important this step is. It sounds so simple, but actually is an incredibly
powerful shift that so many of us actually need to make before we can start to
make a change. Because when we are in a bad place, when we struggled with
something for a long time, when we feel that we've tried a lot of things and
they haven't worked, it can be so easy to tell ourselves, that we are just not
confident people and we are going to be stuck, feeling this way forever and
there's not much we can do about it. And yet, and yet, the reality is that
change is always possible. We are always changing your brain is always
changing. Depending on what you do, depending on what you think, what you focus
on, those neurons are being created, old patterns of thinking, old neural
pathways are degrading as you use them less and less. And so [??? 02:18]
neurological level it is possible to change. And there's that old classic quote
from Henry Ford, “You believe you can or you believe you can't. And either way,
you're right.” And this really encapsulates, even though it's quite a cheesy
quote, by now, it will encapsulate this truth, that when we believe we can
change, it makes it easier to change. And so even if you are just experimenting

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