This is a solo episode where I'm sharing about how to grow your confidence and courage. I'm also inviting you to join me in a challenge and I'd love to hear how you get on!

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Hello and welcome to The Calmer You podcast. This is your host Chloe Brotheridge I am a coach and a hypnotherapist and I’m the author of The Anxiety Solution and Brave New Girl which is out now. Thank you so much for listening today this is a solo episode on a Brave New Girl edition of the podcast. So, I'm going to be talking about confidence which is a topic of my new book Brave New Girl and I'm going to talk about how confidence isn't necessarily all it seems.

I'm going to be sharing some really simple ways to grow your confidence and I'm also going to be inviting you to join me in a challenge. I've already had loads of people joining and it's been so, so interesting to hear from you all so I'm really excited to share this with more people. As always I’m going to invite you to come over to and grab your free anxiety busting tool kit if you haven't already. I've got amazing resources in there from worksheets to hypnotherapy Mp3's to affirmations, to access to our online community to get support from other people who are experiencing the same things as you.

So, we look at people like Adele and we assume that because she's so amazing at what she does that she must be super confident but the truth is that Adele has been known to get so nervous before her performances that she actually throws up. We look at people like Mel Robbins. You might know Mel Robbins, her book that is most famous is called the 5 Second Rule and she did a TED talk in 2011 and during her TED talk she comes across as totally together, calm, confident and collected and yet she talks about how the reality was that during that TED talk she was having a panic attack the whole time.

Even people like Michelle Obama and Meryl Streep have spoken about imposter syndrome and how they doubt themselves and how they sometimes they don’t feel good enough and so it's so easy to look at other people who appear to have it all together, who appear to have everything figured out and we assume that they do have it together and they've got it all figured out and that somehow they were just born confident and that it's actually just easy for them, it comes naturally for them and we could never do that we're not good enough for that.

We struggle, we doubt ourselves, we don't feel confident, we get scared and so we can never do you know the things that we really want to do. It means we don't put ourselves out there, speak up or share our art and so this is just one of the ways that we really hold ourselves back. When we peel below the surface of people that appear really confident we learn actually what looks like confidence is often courage.

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