Call Centers are full of many moving parts, we will dive into as many as we can and get the viewpoint of a long time Call Center Pro, Michael J. Tamer, CEO and President of Proponisi.

Michael is a 25-year veteran of the customer contact industry. Michael is the author of the book, The Four-Minute Customer, which outlines his Customer Experience management philosophies, and was at the forefront of  the contact center quality monitoring industry. Throughout his career, Michael has been teaching the benefits of quality and customer experience to organizations all over the world, including the United States Senate.

As the President and CEO of Teknekron Infoswitch, Michael introduced the industry's first quality monitoring product, which led to the "this call may be monitored for quality purposes" phenomenon heard today on all 1-800 numbers.

Proponisi offers a SAAS solution that provides a Voice of the Customer solution designed with the Call Center in mind.