Why are so many people talking about Employee Engagement? We'll find out a few tips on the effectiveness of employee recognition and how it can potentially provide financial success to your company.  Zane Safrit, CEO, Business Consultant, and Author will share some of his experiences and lessons learned on building employees awareness of company goals, raising morale, and increasing productivity. 

Zane Safri has spent his career in call center operations, many of them serving international customers and sales forces. From an entry level position as a customer service rep to team leader to Assistant Director and Country Manager to finally CEO he saw the language of employee recognition and employee engagement is a univeral language and so are the forms of its ROI. As Country Manager, he opened his company's first overseas office in Seusseldorf, Germany and used employee recognition and engagement to double sales and triple the number of new orders within the first six months. As CEO of a small conference call service provider he rebudgeted the company's advertising and marketing budgets towards employees and customers. This resulted in revenue growth of 80% while retail prices were pushed lower by over 70%, all the time generating positive cash-flows, the lifeblood of small business. In his book Recognize THEM: 52 Ways to Recognize Your Employees In Way They Value he has compiled many of the ways he used to recognize and engage employees, many of them require no financial inventment, research and data to show the positive impact on a company's performance and inspiring quotes from business leaders on the value of employee recognition. He also shares his mistakes to help you avoid them as you being this journey towards a culture of engagement.