Call Monitoring and Recording sounds like a great idea for qualaity control of calls at your call center, but are you putting your agents or management at risk?

BenchmarkPortal's Bruce Belfiore sits down with Attorney, Adam Losey, to discuss the leagal issues around call centers, both from an inbound and outbound perspecitive.

As privacy Counsel for Call Centers, he works with client-side management to develop and implement telephone monitoring policies governing monitoring and recording of telephone calls and electronic communications and data management issues associated with call recordings and electronically stored information.

Adam Losey is an internationally recognized attorney, author, and educator in the field of technology law. He represents a number of Fortune 100 companies in high-stakes complex litigations across the country involving challenging issues at the intersection of law and technology. In addition to his litigation practice, Mr. Losey routinely advises clients large and small on a variety of sophisticated information security, incident response, privacy, electronic discovery, and data management matters. Mr. Losey is a member of the New York, Florida, and District of Columbia bars.