Hey everybody. Stephen Ignoramus here and welcome to Call Me, Ignorant. So pleased you could be with us. Call Me, Ignorant is a live conversation show. Whether with an interesting content creator, an expert in a field, a controversial figure or with a fellow human being trying to spread a message, Call Me Ignorant will try to solve the problems of the world, conversationally speaking.

With me on the program today is Vanessa Berben. She is a free speech and mental health advocate, a youtuber, and a volunteer at the #WalkAway campaign. You can find her on Youtube and Bitchute as well on twitter @2FingersBerben all of which is linked below. I am really excited to talk to her today about her story, free speech and about the recently released Project Veritas video that exposed some of the inner workings at google.

Links for Vanessa:

Project Veritas video:

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