Hey everybody. Stephen Ignoramus here and welcome to Call Me, Ignorant. So pleased you could be with us. Call Me, Ignorant is a live conversation show. Whether with an interesting content creator, an expert in a field, a controversial figure or with a fellow human being trying to spread a message, Call Me Ignorant will try to solve the problems of the world, conversationally speaking.

My guest today is Chief Chuck Whitworth. Chuck is a retired US Navy Chief Petty Officer, a mentor and a blogger. I'm really excited to talk to him today about his time in the Navy, mentorship and how to better the world through building relationships and well placed humor.

Links for Chuck:
Chuck on twitter: https://twitter.com/chiefchuck2k
Website: https://chiefchuck2k.wixsite.com/chiefchuck
Buy Chuck's ebook: https://gum.co/sailorwords

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