Cable in the Classroom is pleased to present via podcast [MP3, 52MB], the October 18, 2005 edition of the U.S. Department of Education's Education News Parents Can Use.

This episode explores what can be done to keep our children safe—before, during and after school—in the face of a natural catastrophe or other crisis. Examining the recent examples of the responses to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the program highlights ways that local, state and federal agencies, as well as teachers, principals, mental health professionals, law enforcement officials and others can respond when our children face a crisis. It addresses questions such as:
What should schools and communities do to prepare for natural disasters and other traumatic events?What are the emotional, social and academic needs of students directly affected by the trauma of natural disasters or school violence?What are the key areas of recovery planning that all school and community crisis plans should address?How can I help keep my child safe at school, in my neighborhood and at home?Where can parents find resources and information on coping with the aftermath of a natural disaster or other traumatic event?
For more information about this program, please see the U.S. Department of Education's show notes.

Listeners may also be interested in the Fall 2006 edition of Cable in the Classroom's Threshold (produced in partnership with the Council of Chief State School Officers) and in the September 2006 edition of Cable in the Classroom Magazine - both editions of which focused on emergency preparedness in the 21st century.

Technorati tags: Parents, News, NCLB, US Department of Education, public domain, katrina, emergency preparedness, CIC, Cable in the Classroom