Cable in the Classroom is pleased to present via podcast [MP3, 53MB], the September 20, 2005 edition of the U.S. Department of Education's Education News Parents Can Use.

The high school diploma symbolically marks the moment American youths enter adulthood. Yet, today, many students, particularly minority and disadvantaged youths, leave high school unprepared, often lacking the basic skills they need to get a high-wage job or to pursue postsecondary education and training. To succeed in a global economy shaped by technology and international competition, all high school students, regardless of their post-graduation plans, must acquire a high level of academic knowledge and skills during high school. This edition features special back-to-school tips and addresses issues such as: How do U.S. high schools need to change to meet the demands of the 21st century? How has No Child Left Behind impacted the academic performance of our country’s younger students, and how can its principles be expanded to our nation’s high schools? What high school strategies are showing measurable results in positively affecting the achievement gap? What are the most effective models of high school reform? What should parents be doing to ensure their middle and high school aged children are prepared to succeed in the new school year? For more information about this program, please see the U.S. Department of Education's show notes.

Listeners may also be interested in the Spring 2006 edition of Threshold (produced in cooperation with the Partnership for 21st Century Skills), which focuses on high school reform and competitiveness.

Technorati tags: Parents, News, NCLB, US Department of Education, public domain, high school reform, CIC, Cable in the Classroom