Cable in the Classroom is pleased to present via podcast [MP3, 55MB], the November 15, 2005 edition of the U.S. Department of Education's Education News Parents Can Use.

This program showcases successful inclusion programs in schools, profiles research-based, early identification and intervention initiatives to identify academic and behavioral problems in young children, and addresses questions such as:
How is NCLB helping ensure the academic progress of children with disabilities?What are the key provisions of the reauthorized IDEA legislation and does it impact those involved with the special education process?What do parents need to know about early intervention for children suspected of having a disability and what challenges do these students and their families face?How have schools made it easier for parents to navigate the system as they create an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for their student with a disability?How can students with disabilities be successfully integrated into general education classrooms?What is Positive Behavior Supports and what difference is it making in schools?
For more information about this program, please see the U.S. Department of Education's show notes.

Listeners may also be interested in the Winter 2005 edition of Cable in the Classroom's Threshold (produced in partnership with the Council for Exceptional Children) and in the January 2005 edition of Cable in the Classroom Magazine - both editions of which focused on innovations in educating students with disabilities.

Technorati tags: Parents, News, NCLB, US Department of Education, public domain, special education, IDEA, IEP, positive behavioral support, CIC, Cable in the Classroom