February is American Heart Month, and today's story will warm yours - and possibly give it (like mine) some palpitations. 

The Poole family was planning a low-key night of burgers and Clemson football when Stephen returned from the grill to find Mandy, 8 weeks pregnant and 32 years old, unresponsive on the couch beside their two children. 

He checked for a pulse and, finding none, performed 11 minutes of (untrained) CPR to keep Mandy and their baby alive. While she and two-year-old Owen are healthy and happy today, it was a rollercoaster of a ride.

Talking to Mandy reawakened my desire to "manage blessings" (as our friend Brooke Turner said) rather than lapse into stress; our conversation opened my eyes anew to the simple joys of "being there." I hope it does the same for you. 

Mandy and Owen are hands-down, no-questions-asked level miracles. A large part of their health today is thanks to Stephen's quick thinking and ability to perform CPR; it's a skill we all need to learn. Read more about CPR and find instruction opportunities at cpr.heart.org. 

To support Brooke Turner's family, as we discuss in our introduction, visit tinyurl.com/givetoTeamTurner. 

As always, join our conversation at @butnotallatonce on Instagram and Facebook.