Let's consider today's episode the first of many about intuitive eating - a self-care framework that pulls our focus inward, away from diet culture and external authorities on wellness.

Truth be told, it's a scary concept for many of us. Trust our bodies? Give ourselves permission and abundance to discern what we need on any given day? What if we find ourselves falling face-first into a dessert table three times a day when the world tells us sugar is evil?

Hoo boy. There's a lot to unpack here, and counselor Kate Morris, MSW, M.Div., is exactly the person to do it with us. You'll love her perspective on diets, body image, the science of restricting food, the miracles our bodies work every day, and self-compassion during quarantine. 

Hers is a voice you can expect to hear on But Not All At Once again. As with everything we discuss, your views, experiences and opinions may differ - but I can't wait to hear them!

Find me at @butnotallatonce to join the conversation and let me know what we should ask Kate next time she stops by. (At the top of my list is teaching children to eat intuitively without letting them subsist entirely on macaroni!)

Kate recommends intuitiveeating.com as a starting point for those wanting to learn more, and she can be found at intuitiveeating.org/certified-counselors/. 

Thanks for being here, y'all! I'd love your thoughts, questions, ideas, and everything in between. You can find me at @ButNotAllAtOnce on social media or ButNotAllAtOnce.com.

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