106 Becoming a Dynamic Communicator - Jill Schiefelbein

 URL: http://www.julieannsullivan.com/dynamic-communication/


If you want to be an effective communicator in today’s world, you must do more than just produce content. You must also learn to leverage and repurpose your content in order to reach more people. Our guest today shows us how to do this effectively.

I’m excited to be speaking with the amazing Jill Schiefelbein. She is a fellow colleague from the National Speakers Association and is known as the Dynamic Communicator. Jill helps us see why it’s vital to share your content on various platforms with multiple audiences. You’ll be inspired to take your business and communication to the next level.

Jill’s bio: Jill Schiefelbein is an award-winning entrepreneur, author, and recovering academic. She taught business communication at Arizona State University for eleven years before venturing into entrepreneurship. Jill’s business, The Dynamic Communicator®, helps organizations increase sales and create consumer advocates. Jill runs the Dynamic Accelerator program, helping solo- and micro-entrepreneurs accelerate business growth. Her latest book, Dynamic Communication: 27 Strategies to Grow, Lead, and Manage Your Business hit stores March 2017.

You’ll discover:

The benefits of leveraging and repurposing your content. Why you must have an unshakable confidence in your content. How Jill uses Post-It notes to help her be more focused and productive. The importance of developing your own style of connecting with your audience instead of blindly following everyone else’s strategies. How to repurpose your content on different channels, mediums, and platforms. Why you should learn what questions your potential customers are asking, then provide quality answers to those questions.


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