Dõv Baron has been speaking internationally for over 30 years, he’s the man with a finger on the pulse of the evolving world of NextGen leadership. Dov Baron is a master storyteller!
Dõv is the bestselling author of several books, his latest, Fiercely Loyal: How High Performing Companies Develop and Retain Top Talent. Dõv’s international Leadership & Loyalty podcast is ranked the #1 podcast for Fortune 500 Executives Globally.


In this amazing ½ hour, leadership advisor to the UN, Dõv Baron, shares his many years of working with companies and their corporate culture.  He can see the important values necessary for success and the pitfalls that come into all leaders lives.  He constantly reminds us that if you want your people to be engaged, you have to be engaged.  

You’ll discover:


The importance of being purpose driven Move beyond your mission statement Perspective = $ Vulnerability is strong and powerful Smart leaders openly collaborate


For more information about Dov:

Dov's Website

Dov on LInkedIn

Dov's book, Fiercely Loyal

Dov and Julie Ann on YouTube

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