In this episode, I chat with Brent Keltner, CEO of Winalytics and author of “The Revenue Acceleration Playbook”, about how customer success stories and client testimonials can transform your sales process.

Testimonial marketing is a powerful tool these days, given how noisy the world is. With such an overabundance of information on social media, we as customers have become very resistant to traditional marketing techniques.

The traditional approach to marketing was very product-driven. But data shows that the old way is no longer yielding the same results that it used to. Instead, new techniques are needed that better resonate with customers.

That’s where customer success stories and client testimonials come in.

When we hear a statement, our brains are naturally wired to resist. But testimonial marketing is about getting around this impulse to resist. When you lead with stories about your peers, there's a shift from “you and me” to “we”. That change can make people more receptive.

Another benefit of this type of marketing is that it’s a great way to get referrals. When you go to your customers and have conversations with them, it can be both a learning opportunity, and an opportunity for you to find other people who you can help.

Simply ask, "Who else like you might benefit from the success we've had together?"

Incentives are no longer enough to get referrals because people are so inundated with information. By using customer success stories, however, people will be happy to spread the word about you.

Most business owners neglect testimonial marketing and stick to traditional approaches. But by sharing the past successes you’ve had through client testimonials, you can gain the trust of a whole new batch of customers.



Peter Boolkah (AKA The Transition Guy) is the World’s #1 Business Transition Coach whose main passion in life is to work with talented and high performing business owners who are in the process of creating exciting, high growth businesses. 

Peter helps you to navigate and transition through the crucial growth pa



Peter Boolkah (AKA The Transition Guy) is the World’s #1 Business Transition Coach whose main passion in life is to work with talented and high performing business owners who are in the process of creating exciting, high growth businesses.

Peter helps you to navigate and transition through the crucial growth pains that all growing businesses experience making it as painless and exciting as possible.

It is important to remember that businesses do not just grow and develop on their own, it is up to us and our teams to make this happen by making every day purposeful.

As businesses grow some parts of the journey will be easier than others and most owners do not have all the answers. Starting a business is one of the most exciting things we get to do and we all have aspirations of achieving great things. In fact Peter is yet to meet someone who started a business with the intention of failing.

Peter’s ultimate life goal is to inspire and empower over 100,000 Entrepreneurs to create long term thriving businesses resulting in the creation of 1,000,000 jobs.

So if you are scaling up your business, you’re in a bu...

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