For many of us, our homes have turned into workspaces since the pandemic started. And while employee burnout isn’t unheard of, remote working burnout seems to be an even more rampant problem that’s been on the rise since. Today, I talk to Phil Strazzulla of SelectSoftware Reviews about work from home burnout, and how we can help employees better cope with it.

One of the main consequences of the pandemic was how it accelerated the transition to remote work for a lot of businesses. While this is a positive change for a lot of companies in many ways, it has also had some adverse effects.

This rapid adjustment to the change in work setup has undoubtedly had an effect on employees in the form of work from home burnout, not to mention the additional stresses to the average worker – fear of the Corona Virus, the global recession, the war in Ukraine – these have all made coping with remote working burnout an even more challenging task.

All these factors together have indeed taken employee burnout to a whole new level. And as business leaders, it’s our responsibility to try and mitigate this.

Stay tuned to hear more of my conversation with Phil Strazzulla of SelectSoftware Reviews, as we dive deep into the problem of remote working burnout or work from home burnout in today’s increasingly digital workplace.



Peter Boolkah (AKA The Transition Guy) is the World’s #1 Business Transition Coach whose main passion in life is to work with talented and high performing business owners who are in the process of creating exciting, high growth businesses. 

Peter helps you to navigate and transition through the crucial growth pains that all growing businesses experience making it as painless and exciting as possible.

It is important to remember that businesses do not just grow and develop on their own, it is up to us and our teams to make this happen by making every day purposeful. 

As businesses grow some parts of the journey will be easier than others and most owners do not have all the answers. Starting a business is one of the most exciting things we get t



Peter Boolkah (AKA The Transition Guy) is the World’s #1 Business Transition Coach whose main passion in life is to work with talented and high performing business owners who are in the process of creating exciting, high growth businesses.

Peter helps you to navigate and transition through the crucial growth pains that all growing businesses experience making it as painless and exciting as possible.

It is important to remember that businesses do not just grow and develop on their own, it is up to us and our teams to make this happen by making every day purposeful.

As businesses grow some parts of the journey will be easier than others and most owners do not have all the answers. Starting a business is one of the most exciting things we get to do and we all have aspirations of achieving great things. In fact Peter is yet to meet someone who started a business with the intention of failing.

Peter’s ultimate life goal is to inspire and empower over 100,000 Entrepreneurs to create long term thriving businesses resulting in the creation of 1,000,000 jobs.

So if you are scaling up your business, you’re in a bu...

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