Business Owner Freedom is a weekly podcast for created for small business owners.  Some of the podcasts are interviews and a portion are topic based.  We invite you to join us weekly to obtain multiple points of view. If you have specific questions, please reach out to us at [email protected].  


Not a Good Fit

Gregory answers the question of an existing employee of several years not complying with the new culture initiative and the business’s new vision.  He explains at one time this employee was a good employee and met the standard and now the company is moving in a different direction and has implemented clear expectations.  The employee is struggling to meet expectations now and is not a good fit now since the business is following their vision. Greg says it’s imperative to address this behavior swiftly.  

“If an employee whether they have been there ten plus years or whether they’ve been there only a few months and they don’t meet the values of the organization, there there is no fit.” – Gregory Gray


Addressing Non-Compliant Behavior

It is essential to the culture of a business to address non-compliant behavior.  You must ask yourself the following:

Have you made clear expectations? Does the employee understand the values? Is the employee capable?

Business Owner Freedom advises to sit down with the employee and show them what expectations they are not meeting.  Give them a timeframe to improve and list the behaviors that must change.

“As long as it’s nothing illegal, unethical or immoral, you can address it this way, First step is a verbal warning, second step is in writing and third step is termination.” – Gregory Gray


Hiring to Fit the Culture

Gregory advises that you have a 7-12 step hiring process.  You will learn more about the candidate. Here are the three main steps that Greg uses:

Background Checks Interview Process Assessments

Always repeat the vision, values and expectations throughout the interviews.  Reach out to Gregory with questions at [email protected]

“It is easier to train skill, so hire on personalities, attitudes and culture fit.” – Gregory Gray

To hear the details of hiring and firing for culture, download and listen to the episode!


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