Enrolments open - 29th OCTOBER 2021 6AM!

In my last podcast, I shared with you the step by step framework to securing an endless amount of new student leads (*hint - it’s all to do with your business plan*). Today I am going to share with you how to convert those leads & enquiries into paying and loyal students.

But before I tell you the biggest mistake I see, I am going to share a little personal story! Recently my Husband & I have been searching for a new car. He currently drives my first car (a cute little beat up red corolla) & I have a 4wd with temperamental air conditioning (not ideal with an infant in summer in Queensland).

But it got me thinking, have you ever been to a sales car yard? You won’t forget cause they are generally on you from the minute you walk in! But this is a huge part of their success! Generally the reason that car yards are so successful is they don’t leave you alone to make the sale. I am not trying to say you need to follow your new students around…. But guiding & supporting them through is a sure fire way to convert enquiries to dance students.

So, my question to you is this - how are you treating every new enquiry that comes through to your studio?

How are you keeping tabs on everything? Post it notes? Scribbles in your diary? Facebook? Text messages? There are so many different avenues we can receive information through and so many ways we can opt to capture their information. But if there isn’t a clear funnel, people can get missed or lost = less students & revenue.

Are you guiding them through your website with intentional copy? Or just hoping that the nice pictures will be enough to encourage them to maybe…. Possibly…. hopefully call you?

That is the biggest mistake I see dance studio owners make with their new leads and enquiries (plus not getting for their email address…. But that is a story for another day).

If you are listening to this thinking “Oh my gosh! This is me”. Don’t stress! We can FIX IT.


In my next podcast, I am going to share with you something you can do to ensure that you are not only attracting the right kind of dance student & converting them, but converting them more often to grow your dance studio.