Chris Dalzell is the owner of Shoreline Construction, a custom home builder in the Bluffton, SC area. His company has grown from remodeling homes to model homes and now as a custom home builder. He’s been motivated and influenced by Jesse to do business differently.

“We always had good customer service...We want to take it to the next level.” - Chris Dalzell

Working His Way Up

Chris started his custom home building company at the bottom of the economy. In those tough years, he built zero homes. To keep the doors open he took all of the remodeling jobs he could.

“Execution, that’s what makes me most proud about my team.” - Chris Dalzell

With the help of family, Chris was finally able to build a model home. He grew a bit and partnered with a future client to build him a custom home with no fee. The client covered the construction costs then allowed Chris to show it for a year!

Chris Dalzell Focuses

Over the last few years, he’s made a dramatic change to the customer experience. Chris continues to learn all he can and has always had a business coach, but through all of the training, he came home with too many new ideas and they would never get implemented.

“I’m investing back into my client.” -Chris Dalzell

Chris would have so much good stuff to work with but no idea where to start. He heard Jesse speak and hammering home to focus, focus, focus. When Chris returned home, he decided to pick one thing and focus on that as a whole team.

Finishing the House is Not the End

Upon his return to the office, he sat with his team of 15 and they brainstormed. Chris was under the impression that once the house closes the job is complete. A team member piped in said that that is just where his work begins.

Chris knew he wanted to focus on the client and it was time to brainstorm again. He invited his teams’ spouses to the profit sharing dinner.  His goal was to get input on what a great customer experience would look like to them.

Final Four

1. What have you done differently in your life to stand out?

“I want to create a unique business, I want to be different.”

2. What makes someone stand out in business or in life?

“You have to be different than the competition. Sit down with your team and have them be a part of it. Empowerment is everything.”  

3. What’s the best advice you’ve received?

“Create a vision. Creating a vision for my company and our team. To sit down and figure out our core values. Do you really use those to filter through the decisions you make in your life.”

4. How do you want to be remembered?

“A great friend, husband, father, Christian and man.”

To hear how Chris creates such an incredible customer experience using iPads and videos, download and listen to  Chris Dalzell!

Chris's Links:

Shoreline Construction
Houzz -Shoreline Construction

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Jesse Cole is a passionate and engaging business leader sharing other leaders messages, tips and fresh ideas on Business Done Differently. Subscribe to hear more front runners doing it differently and remember to leave him a rating and review on iTunes.

Thanks to Podcast Pilot for the editing, show notes and publication. They take care of it all!