Since 2015, Ben Hardy is the #1 writer on His writing focuses on self-improvement, motivation, and entrepreneurship. Ben writes by pulling from his personal experiences, self-directed education, and formal education.


Ben is also a Phd candidate for Industrial and Organizational Psychology at Clemson University. His research focuses on the psychological differences of wannabe entrepreneurs and actual entrepreneurs (dreamers vs. doers).  


“It’s not your personality that creates your behavior, it’s your behavior that creates your personality.” - Ben Hardy

Ben Hardy the Writer

As a blog author, Ben has built a 7-figure online business and built an email list of over 300,000! Now he’s written his first book ‘Willpower Doesn’t Work’. You can preorder your copy and get 2 of Ben’s online courses for free! Just click on the link in the ‘Resources’ links.


“If you want a different life, you must be a different person” - Ben Hardy

Keys to Business Done Differently

Ben views business as developing mastery in whatever you are doing but it is also about investing in yourself and investing in relationships. When you invest in yourself the goal is to upgrade your subconscious mind to upgrade your mindset.


“Mixing worlds and mixing ideas, that’s where unique connections come from.” - Ben Hardy


When you invest in relationships, it's about creating closeness with the right mentors. It’s about  giving your skills to the right people. If you invest in yourself and in relationships, you’ll upgrade your environment.

A Volatile Household

Ben’s parents divorced when he was 11 and their divorce was rough. Addiction is not genetic, it’s the product of pain and trauma. The divorce crushed Ben’s dad and sent him into a tailspin of drug addiction. His single mom did what she could but his environment was volatile.


After barely graduating high school, Ben found himself sitting around playing video games all day.  Just to get out, at the age of 19 he started running. Short distances at first then longer and longer runs in the middle of the night.

Running for Clarity


Running gave Ben an escape from the triggers of home. He was able to escape and find some clarity and figure out what he wanted to do with himself. Ben made a decision to remove himself from his volatile environment.


Ben joined a mission to get away. Over two years time he found a new identity. As soon as he left he felt empowered to be anything he wanted to be. He went from playing video games all day to working very hard and giving his time and attention to other people.

Final Four

What have you done differently in your life to stand out?

“Continuous learning and reading over 100 books a year”

What makes someone stand out in business or in life?

“Invest in yourself to go from dreamer to doer.”

What’s the best advice you’ve received?

Do what is right, let the consequence follow.”

How do you want to be remembered?

“Some who did their best to help other people and to live according to his own value system”


To hear the rest of what Ben Hardy has to say including the Tesla Effect, download and listen to the entire episode!


Ben’s Links and Resources:


Ben Hardy Website

Ben’s Booksl

Ben on Medium




Russell Brunson’s book ‘DotCom Secrets’

TED Talk ‘The Power of Time Off

‘Write it Down, Make it Happen’ Henriette Klauser Ph.D.


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Find Your Yellow Tux

Book - Find Your Yellow Tux


Jesse Cole is a passionate and engaging business leader sharing other leaders messages, tips and fresh ideas on Business Done Differently. Subscribe to hear more front runners doing it differently and remember to leave him a rating and review on  iTunes.


Thanks to Podcast Pilot for the editing, show notes and publication. They take care of it all!

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