Meet Jay Fairbrother

Jay Fairbrother is a serial entrepreneur, business coach and mastermind guru with 30 years of experience starting, buying and selling 7-figure businesses. Jay’s story includes losing EVERYTHING after the 2010 financial crisis and rising from the shame to shine as The Mastermind Guy. As Executive VP of Global Leaders Organization, Jay is responsible for recruiting and managing amazing entrepreneurs from across the globe to start regional Chapters of GLO and create Masterminds globally. Jay helps Coaches and Experts with the programs Pricing 4 Profits™ Masterclass and Mastermind Mastery™: Launch Your High-End Mastermind in 60 days. 


Jay helps coaches, speakers, healers and experts create high-impact, high-ticket programs to scale their business. Mission to create more human connection in our isolated and digitally disconnected world. Passion for helping entrepreneurs create intimate tribes for growth and expansion toward deep transformation and life-changing relationships.


Be collaborative, not transactional! Be authentic, vulnerable and open-minded. Give before asking.


Virginia and Jay Talk About

Jay’s Origin Story: Losing it all and rising from the ashes

How to develop a “stop the swirl mindset”

Why masterminding is a fulfilling way to build a business

Essential Elements of a powerful mastermind experience

Rules for curating your mastermind


Smart Stuff From This Episode:

Create who you want to be, not what you think “they” want.

Shift from push to receive energy to get new results

The collective brain is greater than the guru

Structure provides comfort and safety

You need to be the expert to be a mastermind facilitator

No assholes allowed

Just. Be. Present!


Contact Jay

Jay wants to meet

Chip Conley