Tom Breeze has made it his duty to educate people on the massive potential of YouTube advertising. He was inspired to spread the word after the roaring success of a video advert he created for his previous therapy/self-help business. Having never done video advertising before, he uploaded his own advert to his site, and was amazed to see his lead conversion rate go up from 7% to 22%.

Since then he has created over 1,700 video ad campaigns and has analysed the data from every single one of them, so he certainly knows what he’s talking about! You really must listen to it, but if you’re still not persuaded, here is a sneak preview of some of his best advice:

** Video doesn’t have to be complicated, in fact sometimes the opposite is better. An honest and down-to-earth description of why something is good can be a lot more effective than a contrived sales pitch.

** Don’t forget, YouTube is not merely an entertainment resource. More people than you think are researching products/services on YouTube.

** It’s always the ‘right time’ for the buyer on YouTube, because they’ve just proven they’re keen by typing in a particular search term.

** When you’re starting out it’s best if you create a campaign that can quickly turn leads in to sales. A long lead time between initial traffic and the possibility of buying will make it very hard for you to measure your progress effectively.

  Think of YouTube as a place where people go window shopping, but a place where there still are not all that many shops.  Youtube advertising is so often overlooked in the marketing mix, so there is a great opportunity to make a real impact. In this episode of Business Brain Food you will learn:

** The ‘four p’ formula

** What an Indisplay ad is

** How to use key phrases to your advantage in YouTube searches

** The most effective use of skippable, pre-roll ads

** The optimum length of video ads

  Resources mentioned in this episode:

** Leave feedback on this podcast and receive a free business coaching CD from Ben.  Winners are also entered into a draw for a DVD pack worth 500 AUD.  Email screenshot of your feedback to: [email protected]

** Tom Breeze’s personal website (

** Tom’s Agency, Viewability (

** One-on-one 90-minute business assessment with Ben (

** Facebook (

** Business Brain Food Facebook Group (

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** ActionCOACH (

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  Remember, Tom has done 1,700+ campaigns in his time, so if he says there’s a gap in the market that can be exploited on Youtube, you should believe him!  Don’t think that you don’t need video advertising, and don’t think that it’s going to be too much hassle to pull it off.  Get cracking with it today! Also, if you are enjoying these Business Brain Food podcasts, then make sure to share them via social media sites or email the links to family and friends. A lot of time and effort goes into producing each of these podcasts with the goal in mind of the more people we can inspire about business the better. You can help us do just that! Until next time, have a profitable day. Cheers, Ben Fewtrell (02) 9111 5000

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