Mark Schaefer is an absolute guru when it comes to social media. Having worked with numerous Fortune 500 companies over a number of years, he left the corporate world to indulge his obsession for sharing his knowledge with others, as a lecturer and author of six different books.

In this week’s podcast we are lucky enough to hear Mark giving us a sneak preview of his new book, The Content Code. Mark was inspired to write the book when he kept being asked the same questions from business owners, i.e. How do we get started? How do we create the strategy? How do we respond to negative comments? How do you measure all this? Here are some useful snippets:

** You can’t have a digital strategy unless you have a marketing strategy.

** Can you easily complete the sentence “only we….”? If you can’t, then you don’t have a strategy.

** Don’t be a slave to the different social mediums. Think first what the best kind of content is that you can create, and then find the platform best suited to delivering it.

** Zone in on who is sharing your content and tailor your output for them and people like them.

** It’s not all about traffic! Interaction is the key.

  By 2020, the amount of info on the web is expected to increase by 500%, so it is vitally important to focus properly on your content in order to stand out. As Mark puts it, “the rules of engagement” with the public are changing almost daily, but the main social platforms do not change regularly, so businesses should not be intimidated by all of the different choices out there. A working knowledge of the two or three most useful social platforms for your business is all you really need. In this episode of Business Brain Food you will learn:

** What makes a social media channel popular

** How a business works out where their customers are

** The future viability of blogging

** How to get your content seen and shared

** The ‘alpha’ audience

  Resources mentioned in this episode:

** The Marketing Companion Podcast (

** Content Code Audiobook. You can get it for free from Amazon by signing up to the Audbile Book free trial (

** Mark’s website (

** Business Assessment free tutorial (

** Facebook (

** Business Brain Food Facebook Group (

** Twitter (

** ActionCOACH (

** ActionCOACH (

  Every business needs to understand social media, but more importantly; they need to understand how people are using it to interact with their business. If you believe a man of Mark Shaefer’s experience, this is not as difficult as it sounds…… just buy a book and you won’t go far wrong! Also, if you are enjoying these Business Brain Food podcasts, then make sure to share them via social media sites or email the links to family and friends. A lot of time and effort goes into producing each of these podcasts with the goal in mind of the more people we can inspire about business the better. You can help us do just that! Until next time, have a profitable day. Cheers, Ben Fewtrell (02) 9111 5000

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