The Keys to Business Success with Guy Kawasaki

Do you want to change the world? Then, what is the secret to success? Well, there is no secret to being successful in business. What it takes is being passionate about what you want to do, being clear on what you want to achieve, and to work hard.

Guy Kawasaki is known as a business growth guru. He just loves to work and has empowered people through his writing, speaking, investing, and advising. He is passing down a body of knowledge he has acquired in his career to the next generation. Guy’s Golden Touch: Not everything Guy touches turns to gold, but whatever gold Guy touches.

He was once the chief evangelist for Apple Inc. Now, he is the chief evangelist for Canva, an online graphic design software company. It is revolutionizing the way people do graphic design. Also, Kawasaki is a trustee with the Wiki Media Foundation, executive fellow at the Haas School of Business, and much more. So he knows all about business!

Now, Martens is a 30-year-old who goes to work without wearing any shoes and has a teepee as his sanctuary. He owns a multi-million dollar business that he started in 2008. His business, Amazonia, focuses on Acai and distributes health food through the nation. Martens has learned along the way and remains open minded. He continues to step outside of his comfort zone and plans to expand his business.

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Kawasaki’s lessons learned as an evangelist and from working with Steve Jobs at Apple:

** Customers don’t always know what they need

** Design counts

** Less is more

Challenges Kawasaki has faced in business:

** Resistance to change

** Asking others to risk their careers

Kawasaki’s tip on how to ensure you are more successful than the competition: It’s all about providing great products and provide after sales and support. It’s not rocket science! Also, the key is to predict what people need or make what you want and make people need it. Kawasaki has written 13 books about business, including Enchantment. Enchantment is used to change hearts, minds, and actions. Businesses need to know how to enchant their customers to exceed expectations. Enchantment has three pillars:

** Likeable

** Trustworthy

** Competent

Enchantment can be achieved through social media. It means hard work, but social media should be used as a platform to promote your business. Social media will someday become the equivalent of marketing. Stay tuned because Kawasaki may write another book or do something else to help lead you to success in business! There are so many ways to succeed and so many ways to fail. “I just worked hard. That’s the key to my success,” says Kawasaki.

In this episode of Business Brain Food you will learn:

** What is evangelism

** Lessons learned in the business world

** Examples of enchantment

** Using social media to promote business

** Tips for creating a successful business

** Business challenges

** Importance of attending school of business

Resources mentioned in this episode:

** ActionCOACH (

** ActionCOACH (

** Spotify (

** Apple Inc. (

** iTunes (

** Taylor Swift (

** ActionCOACH Session (

** Canva (

** Haas School of Business (

** Wikimedia Foundation (

** Motorola (

** Google (

** Sydney Bears (

** Steve Jobs (

** Enchantment (

** Adobe PhotoShop (

** Amazon Books (

** Guy Kawasaki (

** Microsoft Outlook App (

** If You Want to Write (


How can you make your business successful?

How can you make your business successful? Use the advice and tips provided by Kawasaki to reach the top! Also, if you are enjoying these Business Brain Food podcasts, then make sure to share them via social media sites or email the links to family and friends. A lot of time and effort goes into producing each of these podcasts with the goal in mind of the more people we can inspire about business the better. You can help us do just that! Until next time, have a profitable day. Cheers, Ben Fewtrell (02) 9111 5000